Forward Your Results To Colleges

  1. If you have or are going to apply to medical or dental colleges in Pakistan, you need to send an authenticated MDCAT result to the college for processing your admission application by the college.
  2. Please select the colleges that you have or wish to apply to and the authenticated and verified MDCAT result will be forwarded by PMC to your selected colleges.
  3. You can select either your MDCAT 2021 Result or your MDCAT 2020 Equivalenced Result for forwarding to the college.
  4. Please select the year for which you want the Certificate.
  5. Then enter your Roll Number for the relevant year.
  6. Then select the colleges that you want the result forwarded to and submit.
  7. Note that admissions to all public colleges are undertaken by the designated Admitting Universities of each province/territory.
  8. You can make choose some colleges now and come back and select additional colleges later.
  9. There is no limit on the number of colleges you can select or number of requests you can submit.

MDCAT- Forward Your Results To Colleges

MDCAT Session :
MDCAT Roll No :
Colleges Applying for :

Search MDCAT 2021 Result

Search MDCAT 2020 Result

Download Your MDCAT Result Certificate